Ian Harris Otago Daily
Times May 23, 2014
At the age of 66, when most
people are thinking of retiring, Sir Lloyd Geering began a ministry to
Wellington and the modern world, as principal lecturer for St Andrew’s Trust
for the Study of Religion and Society. Now 96, he delivered his valedictory
lecture this month to a crowded church and a standing ovation. His topic was The
Evolving City, tracing the evolution of the city from the earliest settled
population clusters and the biblical city of Cain in Genesis, to the megacities
of a globalising world, and the biblical vision of the City of God in
Geering’s themes over the years
cover a wide field, which he has explored with his hallmark breadth of scholarship,
clarity, wisdom, and insistence that in a changing world religion must absorb
the knowledge explosion of the past 200 years or wither on the vine. Below are
some samples from published titles (in italics) from those 30 years.
A basic question is Does
Society Need Religion? Geering says: “The word ‘religion’ has come to
mean quite different things to different people ... In today’s religious
pluralism we must avoid all definitions which interpret religion by selecting
one of the particular forms as the norm by which anything is to be judged
religious or not. By that method, what is religion to one person is often
simply superstition or non-belief to another.
“Derived as it is from the
Latin religio, religion did not originally refer to any particular set
of beliefs at all, but to the degree of commitment or devotion which people
displayed towards their most important interests. Religio, and hence
religion, basically meant conscientiousness, reverence and devotion. It could
be spelled out to mean a conscientious concern for what really matters.” In practice each of us begins with a norm
absorbed from family and culture: children learn the stories of their cultural
and religious heritage and the values it teaches. Today it is also necessary to
learn about other religions and develop respect for their place in our world.
Not uncritically, though. Every religion has its intolerant, even fanatical
Geering has a word for them
all: “Fundamentalism may be described as a modern religious
disease, for it distorts genuine religious faith in the same way as cancer
distorts and misdirects the natural capacity of body cells to grow. Instead of
bringing spiritual freedom and the realisation of a spiritual goal, as all
sound religion should, fundamentalism imprisons people into such a rigid system
of belief that they find it difficult to free themselves… “Fundamentalism
fosters a closed mind, restricts the sight to tunnel vision, hinders mental and
spiritual growth, and prevents people from becoming the mature, balanced,
self-critical persons they have the potential to become.” That applies to all
fundamentalisms – religious, atheist, economic, political – the lot.
But can religion remain
relevant in a culture becoming steadily more secular? Specifically, Is
Christianity Going Anywhere? Geering
is up-beat: “Far from being the enemy of Christianity, the truly secular life
is the legitimate continuation of the Judaeo-Christian tradition. The
traditional worship of God has widened into the celebration of life. Faith is a
matter of saying ‘yes!’ to life in all of its planetary complexity.
“The secular path still honours
the abiding values it has learned from its Christian origins, even while it is
shedding many of its past symbols and creedal formulations. It is concerned
with the pursuit of truth, the practice of justice and nurture of compassion,
freedom and peace. It is learning to live by faith, hope and love.
requires us to be free of all excess baggage. Hope requires us to be open to an
ever-evolving future. Love requires us to be inclusive of all people and of all
cultural traditions.”
And a final word from Crisis
in the Christian Way: “The responsible care of the biosphere, which is
the matrix of all life including our own, has become the supreme religious duty
of our time …
“It is just here that something
central to the Christian Way becomes strikingly relevant. The central Christian
symbol has always been the cross. Whatever else the way of the cross may have
come to mean, it was strongly symbolic of the call to sacrifice one’s own life
and interests for the greater benefit of others. In today’s world that means
the readiness not only for us to accept human mortality, but to live and die in
such a way as to bring the greatest benefit to all other living creatures.”
● Booklets
and CDs of the St Andrew’s Trust lectures are available from
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